Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Intro to Lupus

 What is Lupus? Who can it affect?
Lupus is an autoimmune disease, which means that the immune system mistakes the body's own tissues as foreign invaders and attacks them. Some people who are diagnosed with lupus suffer from minor inconvience. While on the other hand, others suffer significant lifelong diability. Lupus affects people of African, Asian,or Natve American descent two to three times as often as it affects whites. Nine out of 10 people with lupus are women. The disease usually strikes between age 15 and 44, although it can occur in older individuals.


  1. Thank you for sharing information on this disease. I liked how you included some background information on it; for instance, the races the disease is more susceptible to. This has widened my range of knowledge on diseases that I can be vulnerable to.

  2. This is a great blog, you gave a lot of information about this disease, more people should know about this disease as it'll make it easier for diagnosis.

  3. Hello I know a man who treats with herbs for pemphigus vulgaris and other Diagnosed diseases like HPV warts & HSV. I was diagnosed 7 years ago and decided to try Dr Steven herbs which's in Africa but I got the herbs delivered to me in about 4 days in Montreal, CANADA. I took the herbs for almost 2 weeks daily and after a week I finished the herbs. I did not feel any symptoms on my Skin and Genital symptoms. I did a test in Montreal where the result came in a week and I was negative from pemphigus vulgaris & HSV 2. I just want you to also try it and see for yourself because others think there's no cure but I'm convinced now that herbs can cure pemphigus vulgaris or HPV with DR Steven root mixtures & black seed herbs. The reason I talked about HPv is because my friend we work together had HPV and warts and took the herbs recently and now he's cured with no warts anymore and a negative result for HPV. I recommend Dr Steven to him too. Now I want to recommend others to him and you can text him Whats app in his number easily and he will show you everything you need to know. Contact info   ( +2349153279879 Whats app )    I'm looking forward to your reply after using the Herbs. My name is Timmy Funell
